NFL Football
All Offensive Scoring
Statistic | Points |
Rushing/Receiving TDs | + 6 Pts |
Rushing/Receiving Yards | + 1 Pt (0.1 Pts/Yrd) |
Receptions (for PPR only) | + 1 Pt |
Passing TDs | + 4 Pts |
Passing Interceptions Thrown | - 2 Pts |
Fumbles Lost to Opponent | - 2 Pts |
Passing Yards | + 1 Pt (0.04 Pts/Yrd) |
2 Point Conversions (Passing/Rushing/Receiving) | + 2 Pts |
Defense/Kicker/Special Team Scoring
Statistic | Points |
Fumble Recoveries (from opponent) | + 2 Pts |
Interceptors Caught | + 2 Pts |
Blocked Field Goals | + 2 Pts |
Blocked Punts | + 1 Pt |
Blocked Extra Points | + 1 Pt |
Sacked a QB | + 1 Pt |
Safeties | + 2 Pts |
Total Points Allowed (0) | + 10 Pts |
Total Points Allowed (1-6) | + 7 Pts |
Total Points Allowed (7-13) | + 4 Pts |
Total Points Allowed (14-20) | + 1 Pt |
Total Points Allowed (21-27) | 0 Pts |
Total Points Allowed (28-34) | - 1 Pt |
Total Points Allowed (35+) | - 4 Pts |
Defensive and Special Teams TDs | + 6 Pts |
Field Goal Made (0-39 yards) | + 3 Pts |
Field Goal Made (40-49 yards) | + 4 Pts |
Field Goal Made (50+ yards) | + 5 Pts |
Field Goal Missed | - 1 Pt |
Extra Point Made | + 1 Pt |
Extra Point Missed | - 1 Pt |
Each Lineup Consists of 8 Players:
Number | Position |
1 | Quarterback (QB) |
1 | Tightened (TE) |
2 | Running back (RB) |
2 | Wide Receiver (WR) |
1 | Flex (TE, RB, WR) |
1 | Defense, Kicker, Special teams (D/K/ST) |

athlete pool
The athlete pool consists of all athletes expected to participate in a sporting event or a group of events with a projected score of one (1) or greater.
The athlete pool may change based on updates to scoring projections and or athlete eligibility (injury, suspension, etc.). If cases where an athlete has been spun, but is no longer available the lineup will be granted the initial projected score for athlete. For multi-spin tournaments the FantasySpin user will also have the option to edit their lineup if they have available spins remaining.
Position Eligibility
Player positions are determined at the sole discretion of FantasySpin & their partners.